OCO BAGS was founded by Cynthia Osueke. She had the idea of creating durable handbags that combine Ankara with modern materials as she purchased fabric handbags from local vendors alongside a coastal resort in Mozambique. Though delighted by her purchases, she was later disappointed when the handbags fell apart after short usage. She took the concept of making durable bags to a bag maker in Nigeria who produced the first round. Upon returning to the USA, Cynthia shared her products and the news spread.
Cynthia holds a Bachelors degree in Government with an African Studies Certificate from Georgetown University. She is currently pursing a Masters in Public Policy from the University of Maryland with hopes of pursing a career in International Development with a focus on poverty eradication in Africa. Her parents immigrated from eastern Nigeria. She is native of Houston and a lover of all things fruit.
OCO BAGS combine beautiful African Ankara fabrics with modern materials to create distinctive handbags. All of our products are custom made. No two of our bags are exactly the same. No one else has these exact products. Our array of products are constantly changing and evolving. Many of our styles will not repeated. OCO BAGS brings affordable, custom made, top quality handbags to the world. It takes a tradition material, reshapes it and reinvents its usages.
OCO BAGS is more than simply another retailer of handbags. We hope to futher the appreciation of Africa around hte world while positively impacting lives of people in Africa as a course of business.
To that end, OCO BAGS are produced by small scale artisans in West Africa. Everything from the Ankara fabrics to the zippers is bought in African markets. The involvement of Africans in the creation of our products and supply chain directly ties our business to small businesses in Africa. Thus, we hope to provide additional streams of income from these African ventures.
Additionally, a portion of our proceeds will be donated to charities benefiting vulnerable children operating in Africa. Our first line of charities will be Operation Bobby Bear in Durban, South Africa, Children of Fire in Johannesburg, South Africa and Sons of Mary, Mother of Mercy in Abia State, Nigeria.
Be part of the journey. Witness the artistry and allure of Africa.
Nice :) My favorite is the black and yellow bag.